Oct 6, 2021 | Business, Commercial Legal Documents, Companies, Video
Define and govern the relationship between Shareholders } 06 October 2021 Want to define how your shareholding works? Define and govern the relationship between shareholders with a Shareholders Agreement document from iLawyer. iLawyer offers a step-by-step guide for...
Apr 19, 2021 | Business, Commercial Legal Documents, Companies
Make a Non-Disclosure Agreement online today } 19 April 2021 Keep your original ideas and protect your information with iLawyer’s online Non-Disclosure Agreement. Make your Non-disclosure Agreement today by visiting iLawyer’s Non-Disclosure Agreement...
Nov 20, 2018 | Commercial Legal Documents, Companies
6 important facts about South African companies } 20 November 2018 A company is a very effective tool when operating a business and all entrepreneurs / business-people should consider using them. For the purpose of this article a “company” refers to a private company...