The Essentials of Estate Planning in South Africa } Estate planning is a critical aspect of financial and legal preparedness in South Africa. It involves making arrangements for the management and distribution of your assets and finances after your passing. In this...
Planning for the Future: Why You Need a Last Will and Testament } Planning for the future is a responsible and caring act. One essential document that everyone should consider is a Last Will and Testament, often referred to simply as a “will.” In this...
Wills and Estates : Glossary of Important Words 28 January 2019 Below are a list of common words and terms you may come across in relation to a Will and/or an Estate and what they mean.AAbatementThe process of determining the order in which the estate will abate to...
When is a good time to write a Will? } Everyone must write a Last Will and Testament … not making a Will is dangerous and can cause problems for your family and loved ones when you are gone. Many people do not want to dwell on something as unpleasant as their...
How to make your Will valid } Now that you have made your Will, there are certain things you must do to make it valid and enforceable. Below we list 8 very important things you must consider and affect to make your Will valid: Signing Each page of the Will must...
Why you need a Last will and Testament } In this article we discuss why you need a Will; a Last Will and Testament is one of the most important documents you can make in your Life. It will legally protect your spouse, children, loved-ones and assets, but it will also...